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Full Name: Melissa Maria Espinoza
Nicknames: Missa, Lissa, Missy, Meli, CoolBeans, MeliBeans and La Chichona
Birthdate: January 13, 1980
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Nationality: Puerto Rican and Mexican
Favorite Color: Blue, Black and Silver
Favorite Type of Music: Almost Everything
Favorite Animal: dogs
Favorite Movie: Pretty Woman, The Mexican, The Wedding Planner...well right now anyways!
Favorite Actress: Julia Roberts and Jennifer Lopez
Favorite Actor: Hmmm....Brad Pitt...John Travolta...Jim Carrey...I have alot of faves!
Favorite Book: A Walk to Remember
Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Listening to Music and Surfing the Net
Favorite Sports: Baseball and Basketball
Worst Habit: stressing out! I stress out WAY  too much...and I think I'm addicted to the internet! I can stay on this thing 24/7! hehe...and I am way too emotional. I can cry for anything! Oh and I dream way too much. I'm a dreamer and sometimes you just can't bring me down! lol
Biggest Fear: Loneliness and BEES! ahhh...i am so afraid of bees! And I must admit that a new one was just added...I'm afraid of never getting married. How sad is that?
Siblings: 2 Sisters
Favorite Store: Charlotte Russe, Anchor Blue, Wet Seal
Favorite Group/Singer: Ricky Martin, MDO, Elvis Presley, Jennifer Lopez, Creed...and my friend Celina!
Favorite Song: Work It by Missy Elliot, Prayer by Disturbed, and My Sacrifice by Creed. 
Pets: 2 Dogs
Favorite Drink: water
Favorite Food: Mexican, Puerto Rican and Pizza!

It's the Cool Beans Gang!
Me, Celina, Kristina and Lupita!
(Cool Beans, Ghetto Beans, Dancin Beans and Sweet Beans)



 ~*To my friends: *~

Leah: Girl, you are so very crazy! Thank you for letting my imagination run wild with ya! You are the coolest and the craziest!!! I can't wait to share more ABEL memories with you! *wink wink* love ya!

Ingrid: Girl, I'm so glad that we met...girl you are the coolset and I love sharing all of these men with you! LOL! One day we are gonna have to meet cuz you know that the guys won't know what hit them! haha

Liz: Mi Snickers fellow foro queen! You are the sweetest person, don't even change...and don't worry! One day you WILL have Pablo! hehe

Me and my friend, Jesse.

~* To Mis Amigas: *~
I don't know what I'd do without you girls!!! sister, my are the best and don't let anyone ever tell you different. You've always been there for me and I love you more than words can ever express! You are the best dancer out there, thanks for trying to teach me how to dance! hehe Girl, I know you can do anything that you set your heart and mind to! Fly! best friend...well, we've been through alot together and in such little time. Let me just say that there's no one like you! You are funny and sweet, don't ever change ok? I'll never forget all that you've done for me! Thank you so much for your friendship! It means the world to me to have someone like you on my side! And, girl, we will move to Miami...we will!

And last but not least... other best friend...girl you are the craziest person I've ever met but that makes me love you even more! I've finally found someone who I can always cry with! hehe Thank you for always being there for me...I will never ever forget you! I know girl that you will make've got talent that I've never seen before! Nothing is impossible for you! Go for the GOLD!



This is one of my best friend's, Celina, and me in California on May 6th, 2002...This was my first trip to Oakland to meet Celina for the first time!! It was the best time I ever had! Thanks, girl!

This is my friend Leah and me in Miami...During my first trip to Miami in June 2002. I had the opportunity to finally meet her!

Want to see some more pics of me and my friends? Click here.


The Chicago Skyline...isn't it perfect?


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